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ANDREW B. “DREW” WILLISON is a partner of Oldaker & Willison LLP. He has served at the highest levels of government for more than 20 years, as Staff Director of the Senate Subcommittee on Energy & Water Appropriations and most recently as Chief of Staff to Senate Democrat­ic Leader Harry Reid.


Mr. Willison has a reputation for being one of the most knowledgeable and effective staff members on Capitol Hill. Among his many accomplish­ments, Mr. Willison was one of the principal architects of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, crafting the massive two year federal budget bill and successfully brokering its enactment with the White House and congressional leaders. As Senate Sergeant at Arms, Mr. Willison was entrusted with the operations and security of the United States Senate and developed close personal and pro­fessional relationships with all 100 Senators and their staffs.


In addition to his government service, Mr. Willison served as Vice President of Public Policy and External Relations at Battelle, the world’s largest independent research and development organization. He is an Honors graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Ohio State University and a Law Degree from the George Washington University.

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