WILLIAM C. OLDAKER is a founding partner of Oldaker & Willison and The National Group. He has had an extensive career in Washington holding high-level positions in the federal government, practicing law and government relations and serving on the board of directors of banking institutions.
From 1968 to 1975 Mr. Oldaker served as assistant to the Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Mr. Oldaker later served as General Counsel to the Federal Election Commission from 1976-79. During that time, he litigated several of the Supreme Court cases that define the scope of federal campaign finance laws today. From 1979 to 1980, Mr. Oldaker served as General Counsel and Treasurer to the "Kennedy for President Committee." President Clinton appointed Mr. Oldaker to the National Bio Ethics Committee where he served until 2002.
Following the 1980 presidential election Mr. Oldaker entered private practice where over the years he represented Senator Biden in his 1988 presidential run, General Wesley Clark in his 2004 presidential run, and was Ethics and Election Law Counsel to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, Chairman Ted Kennedy, Chairman Tom Harkin, Chairman Max Baucus, Senator Edward Markey, Senator Byron Dorgan, Congressman Sander Levin, and Congressman Charlie Rangel.
Prior to founding Oldaker & Willison, Mr. Oldaker was a partner at Epstein, Becker and Green, PC and a partner at Manatt, Phelps and Phillips. Mr. Oldaker has a broad range of close working relationships with Members of Congress on both sides of the political aisle. At the Oldaker & Willison and The National Group, Mr. Oldaker has represented a broad range of healthcare clients, including national healthcare associations, emergency medicine interests, medical device companies, medical schools, insurance companies including Medicare Advantage plans, and some of the largest hospital systems in the country.
In addition to his extensive career in law and government, Mr. Oldaker was an original investor in Century National Bank. Mr. Oldaker was a member of Century National Bank's Board of Directors and a member of Century National Bank Holding Company's Board of Directors for eighteen years until the bank's sale in 2001. In 2004, Mr. Oldaker helped found WashingtonFirstBank and currently serves as an original board member. WashingtonFirstBank has grown to include nineteen branch offices and has assets valued at over $7 billion.